Tuesday, February 28, 2023

PART 1: Pre-Production


In this series I will be covering 3 main parts in my film. Pre-Production, Part 1, Production Week, Part 2, and Post-Production, Part 3. 

This Part in particular will be covering 3 main components in Pre-Production. The Planning Document, The Script and The storyboards. Tomorrow's Blog will feature and talk about the planning document, what's on it and how our movie was made from it. Without further ado, let the 3-PART SERIES BEGIN!

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Research: Reflection

This Blog features a reflection of the 4-Part Series, Preliminary Exercise (Activity 3). @KahiBLogs123

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Research: Acting


Piper High

In this assignment, I had to document the elements of actings, then document them from the opening scene of Child’s Play (2019). Acting is the performing art in which movement, gesture, and intonation are used to realize a fictional character for the stage, for motion pictures, or for television. In this assignment, there were 4 elements of acting we had to use to decode to the opening scene of the movie. The 4 elements we used was, Actor’s Appearance, Body Language, Facial Expression and Vocal Qualities.

This image comes from the Activity 3 assignment done in class. It features the elements of acting and the contents of it from the opening scene of Child Play (2019).
In this assignment I worked with 3 other people. I learned how to analyze the elements of acting.

Research: Costumes, Hair and Makeup


Piper High

What is Costume, Hair and Makeup?

Costume, Hair and Makeup is an interpretative tool in drama that enhances, describe the actor's appearance during a performance. It helps communicate the personality of al characters to the viewer.

This is an image created by me and my 3 teammates for our Activity 3 assignment. I learned that Costumes, Hair and Makeup is a key element of Mise en Scene. The objective of this assignment was to analyze the elements of Costume, Hair and Makeup from the opening scene of the movie Child’s Play (2019).


Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Research: Setting


Piper High

In this assignment I learned what setting in film is. Setting in film is the time and place in which a story is told. establishes the mood, reveals characters and conflicts, and gives clues to a story's theme. The objective of this assignment was to work in our group to analyze the elements of setting, acting, costumes, hair, and makeup to support the genre of a film opening of our choice. The movie beginning my group chose to analyze was from Child Play (2019).

For this assignment, me and my 3 other group members created a 33 slide PowerPoint. The 2 slides that I will show you will define the elements of setting from the opening of the movie “Child’s Play (2019).”

To reflect on this assignment I learned that setting is a key elect of Mise en Scene and without it a movie will be not. I worked on this assignment with 3 members.

Research: Mise en Scene Organizer


Piper High

In class we watched “what is Mise en scene - how directors like Kubrick masters the elements of visual storytelling” by Studiobinder. The objective of the lesson is to understand all the meanings of Mise en Scene. We watched clips from various videos to analyze and decipher the elements of Mise en Scene in the video. We also watched the video to understand and learn all of the featured elements of Mise en Scene.

Mise en Scene is the essence of filmmaking. It is the placement of actors and scenery on a stage for a theatrical, film or television Production.

Mise en Scene is important because it is the first thing before cameras start rolling. It also makes sure everything is in place and looks good.

There are five elements to Mise en Scene, composition, sets, costumes, actors and lighting.

 3 Things to take away from this video:

  • Mise en Scene is the essence of filmmaking.
  • Mise en Scene can easily be understood as a math problem.
  • There are 2 basic traditions of Mise en Scene: Naturalistic and Theatrical.

Monday, February 6, 2023

A Famous Film Editor Part 2

 A famous film editor is Alan Edward Bell. He is known for his works on the 2012 film "The Amazing Spider-Man" and "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire". He started his career in 1974 and is said to be one of the best film editors in history.

He started his career in 1974 and is said to be one of the best film editors in history.

2 Main Types of Sound in Film

When you think of sound in a film, you never really go into deep thought on who can hear it and who cannot hear it. Not all the time characters in the film can hear things. That is called Non-Diegetic Sounds. Non-Diegetic sounds are produced by a Soundtrack Engineer and only the audience can hear it. While Diegetic sounds are all the sounds characters in the film and the audience can hear. 

Saturday, February 4, 2023

Editing in Film PART 2

 Now that we know what editing in film is and have some insight on it. I will now present 5 visual editing techniques.

 Eyelines are determined by where an actor looks during a scene. They can help inform viewers of the scene's geography, as well as conveying actors' relationships and moods. Eyelines are also a powerful tool for telling a story through visuals and directing the eyes of the audience to portions of the frame.

Cross cutting in film is an editing technique that cuts separate actions together to illustrate moments that take place simultaneously within the narrative structure. The “rules” of cross cutting as far as their relation to scale and time are not overly strict, but the majority of cross cuts are used to show large scale events that occur across multiple locations.

Eye trace is a filmmaking technique that guides viewers’ eyes to certain areas of the frame through blocking, camera moves, color, lighting, and cuts.

Split Edit is a technique used in video editing where the audio and video portions of a clip are split and edited independently of each other.

Soviet Montage Theory is a film movement that took place in Soviet Russia during the 1910’s, 20’s and into the early 30’s. It was founded by Lev Kuleshov while he was teaching at the Moscow Film School.

A film-editing technique in which the editor cuts from one view in one shot to another view in another shot that matches the action and energy of the first shot.

Friday, February 3, 2023

Preliminary Exercise 6: Digital Camerawork Organizer: Camera Composition

 Camera Composition

Photo composition is how a photographer arranges visual elements within their frame.
these are the examples my teammates and I created. Here are the different techniques.
  1. The Rule of Thirds Shot #1,
  2. Symmetry Shot #2,
  3. Asymmetry Shot #3,
  4. Point Shot #4
  5. Leading lines Shot #5,
  6. Shapes Shot  (geometric, organic, and irregular/ abstract shapes) (your choice) #6,
  7. Deep Focus Shot #7
  8. Shallow Focus (Foreground In-Focus and background Out-of-Focus Shot) #8
  9. Shallow Focus (Background In Focus and foreground Out-of-Focus Shot) #9

 Here are the examples me and my teammates created.


The Rule of Thirds is the process of dividing an image into thirds, using two horizontal and two vertical lines

In this assignment I worked with 3 other people. I took the photos, and they defined the different types of shots and angles. We used teamwork to take all the 30+ pictures. 

I liked this shot because it gave a sense of power. The importance of camera composition is is to create an aesthetically pleasant image but also a roadmap for the viewer and helps drive the story behind your image and grabs your viewer's attention

Here is an extra from this assignement:

Preliminary Exercise 6: Digital Camerawork Organizer: Camera Framing

 Camera Framing

Camera framing is the placement and position of the subjects in your shotsFraming helps to communicate a narrative, bringing context to a fleeting moment. These are the different elements included in camera framing Architectural, natural, geometric shapes, and light/shadow

These are he different types of Camera Framing techniques, The Rule Of Thirds, Symmetry, Leading Lines, Leading and Head Room, Depth, Size Equals Power, Break the Rules.

One Shot:

In film, a One Shot or Single Shot usually consists of one subject in a frame.
Crowd Shot: 

a shot or image of a large group of people (often extras) in a film
In this assignment I worked with 3 other people. I took the photos, and they defined the different types of shots and angles. We used teamwork to take all the 30+ pictures.  
In this assignment, I learned a variety of different shots that will help me and my teammates create our movie to the optimum ability. I also learned how Camera Framing is a key concept in filmmaking. 
Here are some more examples the me and my group took:

Preliminary Exercise 6: Digital Camerawork Organizer: Camera Angles

Framing Techniques

Camera angles are a key concept anyone in film should know. Framing can make an image more aesthetically pleasing and keep the viewer's focus on the framed object(s).

In this assignment I learned how camera framing point out different things in a film. Camera Framing can make the little things in a film such as objects on a wall seem more important that they actually are. My teammates and I took pictures to help highlight this, and the may other important concepts in this lesson.

Here are 2 photographical examples:

Dutch/Canted Shot:

Dutch Angle: Shots are a Rotated. 

Low Level Shot:

Low Angle (LA):Below eye-line looking up. Used to Make character look powerful. E.G (Super Heroes ; Super Villains)

In this assignment I worked with 3 other people. I took the photos, and they defined the different types of shots and angles. We used teamwork to take all the 30+ pictures. 
I liked these 2 shots because it shows how these 2 friends are running aw from a killer that is chasing them. In this assignment I learned how learning Camera Angles is one of the first things you need to know before camera start rolling.

Here are some extra pictures me and my teammates took during this assignment:

Preliminary Exercise 6: Digital Camerawork Organizer: Shot Sizes

 What are Shot Sizes?

 A Shot size is how much of the setting or subject is displayed within a given frame of a video, photo, or animation, hence the scope or size of the shot. 

The importance of shot sizes to make sure that people se exactly the things you want them to see. Their 9 shots we learned about in class. For this assignment, I worked with 3 other members of my group. In this assignment, I took the pictures and everyone else contributed in different ways. Here are 2 examples we took in school:

Master Shot:

A master shot is the principal camera shot that a director and cinematographer use when filming a particular scene. 

Wide Shot:

Wide shot: The entire subject appears in the shot, along with some of the surrounding environment

From this assignment, I learned how to plan a storyboard frame, Understand ways in which media language incorporates viewpoints and ideologies, learn how audiences respond to and interpret media language  understand the impact of developing technologies on media language and grasp how combinations of media language generate meaning.

Here are some more pictures the we took

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Editing in Film

 So, what really is editing in film?  The term film editing is derived from the traditional process of working with film, but now it increasingly involves the use of digital technology. At the simplest level, editing determines the pace, and so the mood, of a film in three different ways. Now that we know what editing is the significance of it, the only question now is, who actually edits the film? This may be quite self-explanatory, but the film editor edits the actual film. A film editor is primarily responsible for the assembly of a film’s raw footage into the final cut of a film. Most of an editor’s work is done during post-production. 

Creative Critical Reflection

 Makahi. O of Motion Production presents "Creative Critical Reflection", Get a cup of coffee and a bag of popcorn because every mi...