Friday, February 3, 2023

Preliminary Exercise 6: Digital Camerawork Organizer: Shot Sizes

 What are Shot Sizes?

 A Shot size is how much of the setting or subject is displayed within a given frame of a video, photo, or animation, hence the scope or size of the shot. 

The importance of shot sizes to make sure that people se exactly the things you want them to see. Their 9 shots we learned about in class. For this assignment, I worked with 3 other members of my group. In this assignment, I took the pictures and everyone else contributed in different ways. Here are 2 examples we took in school:

Master Shot:

A master shot is the principal camera shot that a director and cinematographer use when filming a particular scene. 

Wide Shot:

Wide shot: The entire subject appears in the shot, along with some of the surrounding environment

From this assignment, I learned how to plan a storyboard frame, Understand ways in which media language incorporates viewpoints and ideologies, learn how audiences respond to and interpret media language  understand the impact of developing technologies on media language and grasp how combinations of media language generate meaning.

Here are some more pictures the we took

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