Friday, March 3, 2023

PART 1: StoryBoard

 So, What is a Storyboard and why is it so Important?

A storyboard is something all films have. Without a storyboard, directors wouldn't know what their movie looks like. They wouldn't even know the camerawork and camera movement techniques used in their film. So now to the real question, What is a Storyboard? Storyboards are papers with the illustrations of what is to happen in the movie, it can feature camera movements and camerawork techniques. So now that you know what a Storyboard is, all you have to do is Pick up your pen and begin putting your movie on paper.

Here is an example of what Motion Production came up with.

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Creative Critical Reflection

 Makahi. O of Motion Production presents "Creative Critical Reflection", Get a cup of coffee and a bag of popcorn because every mi...