Wednesday, March 1, 2023

PART 1: Production Crew

 This blog is all about the Production Crew of Toxic Ways and their responsibilities.

Makahi O.
In this film, I am the Director, Screenwriter, and Camera Operator. My responsibilities are to ensure that we have a good quality script with good dialogue and had everything a script must have on it. I was also tasked to shoot a few scenes during production week. As director I basically looked over every department in this movie. I made changes to anything me and my other teammates felt needed changes and I basically have the final say in a lot of things done in this movie due to my professionalism, maturity and experience in film. I did not abuse this title and made sure that everyone's opinions were voiced.

Sanisa O.
In this film, She is the Co-Screenwriter and Lead Cameraman. Her responsibilities are to shoot quality footage while trying to use all the Camerawork and Camera Movement techniques she learned in class. Her job was to come up with a Storyline and share it with everyone at Motion Production to receive peer feedback.

Chelsea S.
In this film, she is the Lead editor. She was picked for this position because of her experience and expertise in this field of film. Her job is to edit the film to best of her abilities. She is also tasked to edit the movie in the most thrilling and horrifying way possible.

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