Thursday, March 9, 2023

PART 2: Cast

 In this blog, I will be going over the cast of Toxic Ways.

In film, cast pertains to the actors in a movie, play, or show. The cast of Toxic Ways contains 6 actresses and 1 actor with a total of 7 cast members.

This is Sabrina. Sabrina is the Main character of the Film as she is "Creepy Lucas" girlfriend. Sabrina likes music and plays the trumpet. This picture was taken on the set of Toxic Ways.

This is Lucas. Lucas is 2nd Main Character in this film considering the fact that he is creepy and is the boyfriend of Sabrina. He likes planes and has a part time job at the local mortuary. 

This is Lucas's Ex. She knows everything about Lucas that he tries to hide from his current girlfriend, Sabrina. She likes heavy metal and anime.

This is friend #1 and #2. They both known each other from elementary school and knew Sabrina from middle school.

This is friend #3. She just moved from Trinidad and Tobago and Sabrina was the only one to not make fun of her accent.

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