Monday, November 7, 2022

Introduction to Camerawork Warm-Up Preliminary Exercise 6: Shot Sizes


Piper High

In film, The term shot sizes means how much of the scene is included in the picture, and whether it mainly shows the settingpeople in the setting, or details of faces and things. There are 9 different types of camera shots we had to take notes on in class. 

Shot #1: Establishing Shot (ES): Wide enough to establish the geography, time of day and setting. Usually found in the beginning of a movie.

Shot #2: Master Shot (MS): Captures everything happening in the scene and confirms relationships with other characters in the movie.

Shot 3: Wide Shot (WS): Positions characters far from each other ; feeling of loneliness.

Shot #4: Full Shot (FS): When a subject or character’s shot is captured in he entire frame.

Shot #5: Medium Full Shot (MFS): Captures a character from the top of their head just below their waist.

Shot #6: Medium Shot (MS): Captures size in which we interact with each other.

Shot #7: Medium Close Up (MCU): It captures the viewer’s attention and reduces distraction. 

Shot #8: Close Up (CU): At eye level

Shot #9: Extreme Close Up (ECU): Highlight and isolate something crucial to the narrative.

The image below is an example of shot sizes I created.

In this assignment I learned what shot sizes are, and how that are used. Using the right Shot Sizes are crucial for filmmaking because you wouldn’t want to have an ECU shot for a WS shot.

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