Thursday, October 27, 2022

Introduction to Color in Film Preliminary Exercise 5: Primary Colors: Yellow


Piper High

 The color yellow can signify, wisdom, knowledge, or even, hazard, sickness, insecurity, etc.. Yellow is a warm color.

My 3 teammates created a PowerPoint featuring a the different types of color and their meanings and their connotations. The image below is a physical image of the PowerPoint slide:

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Introduction to Color in Film Preliminary Exercise: Cool Colors


Piper High

Cool colors are typically violets, blues and greens. Cool Colors are generally used in science films Maurer mysteries and suspense films. Cool Colors can signify calming and soothing as well sadness.

I worked with 3 other people on  this assignment.

In the image below, you can get a effect glimpse of what cool colors is and an example from the 2015 movie Inside Out.

The objective of this assignment was to showcase my skills on analyzing color in film. In this assignment, I learned that color can set the mood of a scene and also modify the tone of a scene.

Introduction to Color in Film Preliminary Exercise 5: Primary Colors: Blue


Piper High

Movies like Frozen and Sonic the Hedgehog depict many frames of blue, this highly contributes to the film.

 Blue can signify, coldness, isolation, melancholy, the color blue can also signify, faith, calm, loyalty, etc..

Me and 3 other people in my group created a PowerPoint featuring several different types of color in film, with examples and definitions. The image below is a photographic example from out PowerPoint.

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Introduction to Color in Film Preliminary Exercise 5: Black & White


Piper High


In this assignment, my 3 teammates and I created a PowerPoint that consists of the different colors in film and what it refers to. In this blog, the color that I will introduce is Black and White. Black-and-white is sometimes used to refer to a binary image consisting solely of pure black pixels and pure white pixels.

The image below is an Example of a Black and White frame from the 1946 film "A Matter of Life and Death". It analyzes the image and gives facts on the movie.

Monday, October 24, 2022

Introduction to Color in Film Preliminary Exercise 5: Primary Colors


Piper High

In film, Primary Colors refer to the colors of Red, Yellow and Blue or, RYB. These colors cannot be mixed by any other color. 

I worked with a group of 4 people in this assignment. My responsibility was to create the first 7 slides.

In film, the color red can signify love, passion, excitement and even, violence, blood, danger and fire etc. Red captures the attention of viewers and is one of the most visible colors.

The color yellow can signify, wisdom, knowledge, or even, hazard, sickness, insecurity, etc.. Yellow is a warm color.

In this assignment, I learned that color is very important element of Mise en Scene. I also learnt that color could change the mood of the film and set the tone.

Monday, October 10, 2022

Preliminary Exercise 4: Analyzing Setting for National Lampoon's European Vacation PowerPoint Presentation


Piper High

Setting is the time and place in which a story is told. The key characteristics of a film is Mise en Scene, cinematography, editing, sound and performance. The predominant characteristic is   Mise en Scene. Mise en Scene happens long before cameras start rolling and is something some directors don’t  realize their doing. All of them are significant, but to me the least significant is none. I say this because, in order to have an amazing movie, your movie should meet all the standards of the characteristics of film. Setting is important to Mise en Scene elments to recreate a real location or to give wings to a director's imagination and create a fantasy land.

The media product that I am creating is a PowerPoint. The media product I analyzed was a Video Recording. The plot of the scene goes from calm straight to shock and problematic, to calm and back, until the father runs somebody over then the plot skyrockets to suspense because they don’t know if they killed or badly injured the man. I then gradually comes down to calm again as man reassures them that somehow hitting him was no problem. This can be connoted as a huge problem. The audience can say this based off of the characters in the car’s reaction to them hitting the man. Also, the tone of the man and woman when they approached the man to see if he was ok was kind of shaky and on edge. 

In this assignment I created a PowerPoint Slide. The directions of this assignment was to show that you understood the assignment by applying the contents to the PowerPoint You should’ve created. I learned how to analyze setting. I worked on this assignment by myself and my tools to success was staying focused.

Friday, October 7, 2022

Preliminary Exercise 3 B: Introduction to Genre Conventions Bubble Organizer

📸 KahiBlogs123

🐅Piper High

The objective of the post is to apply my understanding of how mise en scene codes and their relationship to the genre conventions of a film. Genre is a stylistic category where a particular movie can be placed based on the setting, characters, plot, mood, tone, and theme. Three film genres that I am interested in is Horror🧟, Action🦸, and Comedy🎭 . Horror: Fiction which is intended to frighten, scare, or disgust. Horror is often divided into the sub-genres of psychological horror and supernatural horror, which is in the realm of speculative fiction. ; Action: film genre in which the protagonist is thrust into a series of events that typically involve violence and physical feats. ; Comedy: Comedy may be divided into multiple genres based on the source of humor, the method of delivery, and the context in which it is delivered. These classifications overlap, and most comedians can fit into multiple genres. I am most interested in Horror because it really gets you on the edge of your seats and in high suspense. I like Action movies because it always leaves me wanting a part 2. I love comedy movies because I’m either dying of laughter or on the floor due to laughter.🤣

In this lesson, the type of Media Text created is Print Media📰. In this lesson I learned about Media Text and all the different elements surrounding Media texts. On this Blog I worked with Brandon and Payton. We used our communication skills and teamwork to build this assignment.

Creative Critical Reflection

 Makahi. O of Motion Production presents "Creative Critical Reflection", Get a cup of coffee and a bag of popcorn because every mi...