Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Semiotics Preliminary Exercise 2

Roland Barthes' Theory of Semiotics


The clip we watched was from "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Movie CLIP #6 - The Mockingjay Appears (2013) Movie HD". This movie was created in 2013 and directed by francis Lawrence. The scene features a group of contestants who won previous hunger games from their district. The host of the event they were at interviewed Katniss and Peeta. Peeta then continued on the interview with a lie, saying that he and Katniss were expecting a baby. he did this to eliminate any chances of him being in the Hunger Games.

Monday, September 19, 2022

Semiotics Preliminary Exercise 1

🎥 1. The objective key concept of this lesson is, for the Aice Media Studies Candidates to understand the meaning and use of Semiotics. Semiotics is the study of signs in our culture. It includes the signs, symbols and, signification in print, audio-visual, moving images, digital media texts, etc. The creator of Semiotics, Roland Barthes (1915-1980), was a French literary theorist, essayist, philosopher, critic, and semiotician. his theory was that all regular objects have a connotative and denotative meaning. A connotation is the non-literal meaning of a word, symbol, or image, making it more of a stereotype. For example. " The girl was blue" doesn't really mean that the girl was literally blue, the connotative mean of that is actually that she was feeling sad. A denotation is the actual meaning of a word, symbol, or image. For example, "The boy was pushy" meaning that the boy was literally pushing someone.

📸2. The objective of this assignment was for me and my peers to understand and grasp the key concept of Barthes and his theory of Semiotics.  2 students completed this activity, Makahi Outten and Chelsea Starks. I learned the meaning of connotations and denotations, and the difference between them. I also learned about Roland Barthes and some background information of him. Learning this information will further help me when my team and I, start creating our movie.

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Welcome to My AICE Media Studies Blog!

 Welcome to My AICE Media Studies Blog!

Makahi Outten

Everybody, You, Mom, Dad, Baby Sister, whoever, all of you consume media. Whether you realize it or not. Today in this world we as humans use media everyday. Media has become very important to our everyday lifestyles. This is what makes Media Studies important. Knowing what type of media you consume, how you consume it and what platform, product, etc. you consume it on will all benefit you. Mines, and probably everybody my age's favorite media product is Digital Media. I consume this media because it allows me to do everything on one device. I can both text my friends while still on the phone with my mom, that is a prime example of media convergence with Digital Media. Many people in my age group find this very engaging because we are all growing up in a technological society where technology is growing everyday. 3 things I find very interesting about Aice Media Studies is creating a movie. Creating a movie requires multiple media conventions, products, it has many types of media convergence, etc. I always found blogs to be quite an early 2000s thing and not more of a my thing. but this will be an interesting journey. I also find learning about different media conglomerates very interesting.

On my blog, I will be documenting film media. I would like to create a horror film. My film will have a target audience of Teenagers and Young Adults. The theme of my film will be Dark, Gloomy and Eerie. In order to create my film I will need to learn about the many different benefits and tips when making a movie. Such as, learning how to have good camera work, perfect lighting, and exceptional editing skills. My film will be done in the fall of december so stay tuned!

4 successful skills I will use to create my film is working with people who actually care about passing this class and gets stuff done on time. To document my blogging I will have a logbook and sketch out my blogs before posting them. 

Creative Critical Reflection

 Makahi. O of Motion Production presents "Creative Critical Reflection", Get a cup of coffee and a bag of popcorn because every mi...