Friday, January 27, 2023

A famous Editor in Film

 A famous film editor well known for films like "The BFG" and "Ready Player One". He is known to work alongside Famous Director Steven Spielberg on a number of different films. He has been active in the film industry from 1964 and he is 93 years old today.

Preliminary Exercise: Lighting

 Lighting in Film, where do lighting in film come from? The lighting in a film come from many different sources. It can come from a mobile phone's flashlight or even natural light from the sun. The significance of lighting in film is that it is an extremely important aspect that not only shapes the mood of the scene but can also be used symbolically. So, the definition of light, it refers to the direction, quality, source, or color of light that shapes the subject and sets them apart from the background. Some of the most popular and Self-Explanatory types of lighting used in films are Frontal Lighting, Sidelight, Back Lighting, Underlighting, and Top Lighting. 

This is an image of a popular type of lighting fixture.

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Camera Movement Video Shots

 The purpose of this assignment is to teach us what Camera Movement is and how to apply them in film making. I was the Cameraman and Director, Teammate 1 was the actor, Teammate 2 was the screenwriter and Teammate 3 was the Set Designer. The hardest movement to film would probably be the tilt shot. The easiest one would be the pan shot. My group experience with this assignment was fine. The technology used in this is an iPhone 13.

Below are 5 video examples done in school:

Camera Movement: StoryBoard

The lesson we learned is Camera Movement. Camera Movement is a filmmaking technique that describes how a camera moves about to help enhance a story. There are 12 main Camera Movement techniques we learned in this assignment, StaticPan, Whip Pan,  Pan, Tilt, Zoom In & Out, Dolly In, Dolly Out, Tracking, Trucking, Crash Shot. My 2 favorite techniques out of all 10 are the Dolly In shot, camera is riding into a subject, and the Pan shot, moving left and right on a horizontal axis. I like the Pan shot because it is very flexible and can do a lot of different things in film. I like the Dolly In shot because of the different types of scenarios it can create in films.  

The assignment of this lesson asked my teammates and I to create a Camera Movement Video Storyboard. The objective of this assignment is Discuss the key concepts of Media Studies. Apply the key concepts of camera movement, shot sizes, angles, framing, and elements of mise en scene in preparation for their Opening Film sequence. Practice their Media Studies technical skills. Collaborate during the pre-production/planning of their videos. Create a storyboard Having been asked to make a storyboard in the past, we put our previous knowledge into gear in order to get our new knowledge rolling.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Camera Movement

 What is Camera Movement?

Camera movement is a filmmaking technique that describes how a camera moves about to help enhance a story. Specific camera movements help change the audience's view without cutting; they can be a great way to make your video more immersive and engaging.

In this assignment, we learned 12 movements:

  • Static 
  • Pan 
  • Tilt
  • Zoom In 
  • Zoom Out
  • Dolly In
  • Dolly Out
  • Tracking 
  • Trucking
  • Random
  • Crash Shot

The Director is the most important part of a movie set. I was tasked to answers 2 questions on 2 famous movie actors, Tell 3 famous movies they create, and find an example from the movies and link it with one key terms above. Here is who I chose:

The First Director I used is James Cameron. He is known to be one of the best director of today. He uses a lot of Zoom in shots and crash shots in some of his movies. 3 movies directed by him that I am using in this assignment is, "Avatar: The Way of Water", "Terminator 2: Judgement Day", and "Titanic".

1 Example from James Cameron's "Avatar: The Way of Water, One of the fasting grossing movies in history. If you watched the movie, this an example of a dolly in/push in shot. This type of shot is used to show what happened on the battlefield. It is also used to show the fire and dead avatars.

The Second Very Famous Director I picked was Tyler Perry. The 3 Movies I selected from is videography is "A Madea Family Funeral", "Tyler Perry's: Meet the Browns", and "Tyler Perry's: BOO! A lot of his movie feature static shots and tracking shots. 

The Picture below is from, "A Madea Family Funeral". It was created in 2019 and is one of his highest grossing films. This Shot is an example of a Zoom Shot and a Close-Up Shot. This type of shot is used to show the pleasure Madea feels after creating a Funeral for of her dead family members.

Creative Critical Reflection

 Makahi. O of Motion Production presents "Creative Critical Reflection", Get a cup of coffee and a bag of popcorn because every mi...